About a conference
«Georadar - 2017» is a Russian scientific-practical conference. It is the new way of the previously held GPR-oriented conferences at the Moscow State University in 2000s.
The main objectives of the conference:
- tto create a platform for research and supply of the hardware-methodology solutions in the GPR
- fostering the sustainable positive view of the GPR technologies and methodologies in the business environment and at the geophysical services markets;
- the popularization of the GPR methodologies;
- promotion of the best GPR equipment with unique high-tech features to the market;
- to establish new business contacts and exchange of experience;
- to attract of investments;
- to attract new customers for the GPR.
The official program of the "Georadar - 2017" conference includes a master class on GPR, an exhibition of geophysical equipment and software, presentations, field demonstration of modern GPR equipment and software, and discussions.